When Should You Hire A Timeshare Attorney?

Timeshare Attorney

Timeshare contracts can be devious under the surface. Timeshares are shared vacation resort ownership which you will pay annually for a week’s visit.

The vacation plan includes on-site amenities such as an indoor pool, bar, bowling alleys, golf courses, restaurants, gyms, and more. 

A timeshare contract is given to clients who would like to have a vacation home but don’t have enough resources to buy one.

Clients who own a timeshare contract do not have to pay all at once for owning a vacation home, rather, they can pay annual charges to attain the facilities of their vacation home for the year. 

Clients are also expected to pay the maintenance cost of owning a timeshare vacation home. In most cases, clients will be offered a single-week stay at the vacation resort, and if they want to stay further, they will be charged an additional amount. 

Hiring Timeshare Attorneys 

However, a timeshare contract can be deceitful as a lot can be written under the lines. Clients might not understand every aspect of their timeshare contract, which is why they are advised to hire a timeshare attorney when they encounter the following situations.

1. Unable To Decline Timeshare Contract At Free will

hire a timeshare attorney

Sometimes timeshare lenders create complex contracts for the clients so that they can’t get out of it of their free will. Once the company understands that the client wants to decline the contract, they start including various third parties so that timeshare cancellation becomes difficult. 

The third party that usually gets involved is the debt collector. Debt collectors start charging extra money in the form of maintenance costs. Whenever this happens, clients must consult a legal advisor.

2. Lack Of Building Codes 

More often, timeshare lenders fail to establish any building codes for particular areas. A building code is a set of rules specified for constructed objects, including building and non-building structures. 

When a company evades the government’s building codes and doesn’t include it during the selling of the property, that can cause significant harm to the unaware client.

The client can get into trouble for owning a property without building codes. This means that the government doesn’t allow the existence of the property. 

In that case, you might need help from a timeshare attorney if you have come across any trouble. 

3. Your Timeshare Charging You Unnecessarily 

Timeshare Charging

As discussed before, timeshare contracts can be simple in appearance but devious when you go through them with the help of a legal advisor. Timeshare lenders often trick clients into agreeing to extra charges. 

Extra charges can be included in different ways. They can be in the form of insurance claims, debt collection, maintenance costs, and cancellation charges. Timeshare lenders can squeeze out more money from you than the amount you’ve invested. 

It is important to consult an attorney prior to signing a timeshare contract. Even if you are going to cancel your existing timeshare contract, you might want to seek legal advice and support from timeshare attorneys. 

4. Everything Is Marketing

A timeshare lender can falsely advertise its product. The timeshare market is booming, along with more investment in real estate sectors. 

Your timeshare lender can only advertise the vacation resort or home, hiding the legalities behind it. They might not reveal that a timeshare property is legally falsified during your investment. 

They tend to portray a property from its selling point, hiding the actualities. You might discover the falsities after you buy it. In such cases, lenders can provide you with a dubious contract so that you can not cancel the deal according to your will. 

Timeshare lenders do not care about your financial loss; that’s why it is important that you perform an accurate background check before investing in a property. This becomes even easier when you take help from legal authorities.  


It is important that buyers or clients go through the timeshare contract thoroughly with the help of a legal advisor. 

You may not want to deal with a bad contract that leads to financial loss. Timeshare lenders can go to length in order to extract money from you in various ways. They might involve third parties in extorting money. 

So, before you go through an inevitable financial loss, it is advisable to take advice from timeshare attorneys both at the start and end of the deal. 

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