How To Allocate More Ram To Minecraft Server A Definitive Guide

How to allocate more ram to Minecraft server

If you have been playing the Minecraft game for some time now then chances are you know how important the issue of space is.  Playing ram with little will definitely result in some kind of problems on your end if you are not so careful.  This is exactly why you need to learn how to allocate more ram to Minecraft server.

If you do not have adequate space for the Minecraft game then chances are you are going to encounter problems like the following. One, you are going to have this game load so slowly with frames like to stutter in some cases.  Other than that, the game might also crash in some cases if the space allocated to Minecraft is so little.  

These reasons in their totality make it essential to find ways with which one can allocate more ram space to Minecraft.  However, if you do not know how to allocate more ram to Minecraft server then carrying out this process might not be an easy thing for you.

This is why it is important for you to take time to learn how to allocate more ram to Minecraft server when you need to.  If this is a problem that you have been facing then this text is going to be of great help to you in the end.  It contains tips on how to allocate more ram to Minecraft server.  

There Are Many Ways You Can Use To Allocate More Ram To Minecraft 

One good thing for the people who ask how to allocate more ram to Minecraft server is that there are several ways you can use it to carry out this process.  These procedures are easier to carry out which also makes them worth trying out.  This text will only offer you the very best of the methods that you can use in carrying out this process.  

However, you need to be reminded that the approach provided in this text-only applies to Minecraft java edition.  If you are using this edition then you will find a solution with this approach.  However, if you are playing the Bedrock edition then there might not be any proper in-built procedures that you can use in carrying out this process.  

Allocating RAM To Your Minecraft 

One notable thing about the people who ask how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft server is that they tend to look at this process as one complicated one.  However, that is not the case in any way, this process is not that complicated once you know what the right procedure for this process is.  

For you to change the amount of RAM your Minecraft uses, you will have to change all the settings on your Minecraft application.  The launcher application in this case is the application used in launching Minecraft and playing it later on after that.  

On the issue of the launcher applications, there are several applications that you can use for this purpose.  The choice of application you make in this case depends on the kind of Minecraft mode you have installed.  Just a quick reminder, if you have Minecraft installed on your device and you intend to use lots of modes then you need to have at least 2 gigabytes of space on your device.  

Allocating RAM With The Use Of Minecraft launcher 

If you have been playing Minecraft for a long period of time now then chances are you also know the Minecraft default application.  This application is what is also known as the Minecraft launcher.  If you wish to allocate RAM to this application then here is how you do it.  

Step 1 

Open the Minecraft launcher application and then select the installations tab which is located right at the top.

Step 2 

Once you have opened the application, scroll your mouse right over the Minecraft version to which you wish to allocate more RAM space.  After doing this, click on the three dots which are located on the right-hand side and then make an edit selection.  

Step 3 

From the selections, go to more options which are located in the lower side corner of your screen.  It is only by doing this that you will be able to reveal two more additional fields.  

Step 4 

Right at the beginning of the JVM arguments field, you will see a code which reads -Xmx2G or something which looks much similar to that. The 2G is representative of the number of gigabytes in terms of RAM which Minecraft can use.  If you wish to make changes, you can change that number to the amount of RAM which is allocated.  

Step 5 

Once you have done this, move ahead and tap on the Save button which will then finalize your changes or the changes you have made. 

Just like that and you will have allocated more RAM to your Minecraft game.  The process as you can see is not complicated in any way if you have been asking how to allocate more ram to Minecraft server.  In fact, if you choose to take on this process then it should not take you more than two minutes to carry out this process.  

Also, you need to know that there are other procedures that you can use to carry out this process as well.  However, of all those processes, this is one of the best there is and one that you can use in carrying out this process conveniently if you need to.  


If you have been asking how to allocate more ram to Minecraft forge server then this text is there for you.  It contains processes that you can use to carry out this process in the right way and conclude this process within the shortest period of time.  There are also other details to this process that you might need or find useful for this process. 

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