Everyone makes mistakes that are normal for humans. Once in a while, you might do something in a hurry then regret it later on. That’s what happens with a good number of Facebook users. Some of them delete messages and chats that were not intended for deletion. As such, such people find themselves looking for ways on how to recover permanently deleted messages on Facebook messenger.
Many of the people who do this simply are always looking for ways they can use to recover the lost messages. If this has ever happened to you then you definitely know how traumatizing it can be so bad. When it does, the next thing you want to do is get your messages back to you as fast as you can.
This is exactly why and how you find many people looking for ways on how to recover permanently deleted Facebook messages. Well, that said, there is so much to this process than even what many people think of it. This is exactly what this article is all about. In the article, you are going to find helpful information that will guide you on how to recover permanently deleted Facebook messages from the messenger applications.
Is It Possible To Recover Deleted Messages On Facebook Messenger?

There are some things that are much easier said than done. Unfortunately, recovering permanently deleted messenger messages on Facebook is not one of them. This process is possible to carry out and execute only if it might be somehow hard and difficult to do so.
If you know how to recover permanently deleted messages on Facebook messenger then you might have no issues at all with this process. Knowing how to carry out this process is sometimes the harder process in all this. If you do not know how to do so then you might not be able to move an inch in the right direction with this procedure.
How To Find Deleted Messages On Facebook Messenger From The Downloaded Facebook Data
Before you are able to recover any permanently deleted messages, you must be able to locate them. Unless you are able to recover these messages, it might not be possible for you to recover them, not in any way.
As such, the first step on how to recover permanently deleted messages on Facebook Messenger should be locating these messages. Once you have them located, you can then move to look for the best way on how to recover these messages.
The good thing is that Facebook allows its users to download copies of Facebook info. This information is normally very deep and involves so many things which include chats, emails, messages, and friends. Given that data loss on Facebook is something that happens more often it is advisable for you to always have a copy of this information.
It is very easy to obtain this information by downloading a copy. All you have to do is follow the following steps and you will be good to go.
Step 1 : Log to your Facebook then after that go to the settings area
Step 2 : Once you get to this area you will be able to see a download of a copy of Facebook data. This is a link located right under the tab general account settings, once you are here click on this tab.
Step 3 : At this level of the process click on the start my archive bar
Step 4 : At this step all you need to do is enter your password then you will be notified that a message has been sent to your inbox
Step 5 : Once you have the notification click right on the displayed link for you to be able to download the archive you are looking for
Step 6 : The next thing you want to do after this is to click on the Download archive. Once you do this you will be able to download a zip file that contains all the Facebook data that you have. This file will be downloaded right into your computer.
If you keep a copy of this file then you can search for any deleted files right from it. Whether you have deleted your messages permanently or not, you will be able to find them right from here.
Recovering Archived Messages On Facebook Messenger
This is still a way on how to recover permanently deleted messages on Facebook messenger. To get on with this process, you need to first start by determining whether your messages have been archived or not. When your messages are archived, you might not be able to find them on your conversation list but it is possible to access them.
The process of archiving your Facebook messages is also not that hard for a regular Facebook messenger user. All you have to do is follow the following process and you will be done with this process.
Step 1 : Open your Facebook application.
Step 2 : Once you have this application, long press on the kind of conversation you wish to archive then tap on the pop archive dialogue which comes after that.
Step 3 : Once you do this, you will notice that the conversation will disappear right away from your conversation list. Archiving your messages is also one of the best ways you can use to recover any messages you delete permanently from Facebook messenger.
You need to know that Facebook itself has indicated that there is no way you can use it to retrieve deleted Facebook messages. As such the ways suggested above remain the best ways on how to recover permanently Facebook deleted messages on Facebook messenger.
If you are looking for proper ways on how to recover permanently deleted messages on Facebook messenger then read the text above. Even though it is not possible to carry out this process, this text offers you some ways that you can use to do so.
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