Write for Us

We believe that your knowledge can definitely enrich our platform. So, we receive guest posting articles. However, you need to follow some guidelines before you submit an article in any niche as a guest.


  • 100% non-plagiarized and original content.
  • The website link of the author will be given a no-follow tag.
  • Your content should have an author bio.
  • Do not submit an article with less than 1000 words. 
  • Your article has to be SEO optimized.
  • Ensure your title is an eye-catchy one.
  • Use H2, H3, and other heading for making the content easy to understand for our readers.
  • Within your article, use royalty-free images.
  • Avoid grammatical errors in your article.
  • Though your links will be set to no-follow, in case you wish to make it do-follow, you can contact us

We appreciate the knowledge you have and also the presentation of your ideas through your content. Once the article is compatible with all our guidelines, it will be posted on our site. You need to make sure you are not sending the same piece of content to any other website. 

In case you have any other questions, you can use the contact form or directly mail us at webmaster@redhatmedia.net in order to reach us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.