Hot Dogs – How To Make It At Home?

Hot Dogs

Be it a birthday or just throwing a weekend party at home, you need to keep good food as a part of the celebration. 

A large part of celebrating something is incomplete unless you have foods to savor the fun. You may have lined up a bunch of delicious dishes, but what about hot dogs? If you keep hot dogs off the list, you are not helping yourself much.

Who does not love to eat hot dogs? You can ask your family members to vote, and most of them will vote for hot dogs. 

Talking about hot dogs– how to make them at home? You can already order them in; however, making them at home will be more fun if you plan a hot dog party. 

What are hot dogs made of? How to make hot dogs at home? If you want all of these questions, you can read this article. 

What Is A Hot Dog?

What Is A Hot Dog?

Hot dogs are tasty food made from mutton, chicken, beef, or pork emulsified meat trimmings. These meat mixtures are blended with several other ingredients like spices, preservatives, etc.

Famous food chain restaurants serve hot dogs, and cheeseburgers and they are really popular. You don’t have to order them if you can make them yourself. Here are some tips for making the hot dogs at home-

Hot Dogs Ingredients

Hot Dogs Ingredients

I have listed the ingredients needed to make it worth one serving. Based on your requirements, you can change the quantity of the ingredients. Here is the list of ingredients needed for making hot dogs–

  • 40 grams of cheese-cheddar
  • 100 grams of potato wafers
  • 10-milliliter English mustard
  • 70 of grams French fries
  • 7-inch chicken sausage
  • 1 grams chili powder
  • 20 grams of loose-leaf lettuce 
  • 40 milliliter mayonnaise
  • One hot dog bread

You will also need 30 grams of onion and 30 grams of lettuce loose-leaf. 

Once you have readied the ingredients, you can go ahead with the process of making this tasty American food at home–

How To Make Hot Dogs At Home? 

Here are the steps for making hot dogs at home–

Step 1: Cook The Sausage

Cook The Sausage

The first step would be cooking the sausage; you can take mutton, chicken, beef, or pork sausage. But, in my recipe, I have used chicken. So, you can start by putting the sausage into the boiling water and boiling it for two minutes. 

Step 2: Grill The Sausage

Grill The Sausage 

Next, you need to grill the sausage. You can start by heating the hot plate. Then you need to pour the oil in and grill the sausage.

Step 3: Fry Potatoes

Fry Potatoes

You need to fry the potato wafers and the french fries separately for the next step. Make sure they are golden brown when fried.

Step 4: Assemble Them And Dig In 

Assemble Them And Dig In 

For the final part, you need to add mayonnaise and English mustard. You can now arrange the sausage in between the buns (somewhat like the Reuben sandwich)  and top them up with sprinkled chili powder and French fries. Finally, you can garnish that with cheese.

Step 5: Serving It Hot

serving It Hot

Once you are done with all the steps, you need to arrange everything. Here is what you need to do–

You can now arrange the hot dog, the potato wafers, chopped onions, and lettuce on the plate for serving. Remember, a good serving always makes the food taste better. 

You can make the hot dog more cheesy with mozzarella and bake it for a minute or two for even better taste.

If you want to make it more healthy and nutritious, you can add more vegetables to it, making it tastier. 

Frequently Asked Question:-

If you have to need any further information related to the recipe, you can follow the below-mentioned questions–  

Q1. Are There Worms In Hot Dogs?

Ans: Sometimes the hot dogs you order may have rotten ingredients; there can also be some worms, grubs, rodent parts, and glass shards.

Q2. Are There Eyeballs In Hot Dogs? 

Ans: The package label contains information related to the ingredients used in the hot dogs. For instance, they may use pig lips and snouts. Also, there are rumors about hot dogs containing eyeballs and crushed bones, but they are not true. Also, you don’t have to worry about them if you are making them at home.

Q3. Is There Sawdust In Hot Dogs?

Ans: Sawdusts and formaldehyde are often used for preserving meats. It is a 20th-century tradition to use these ingredients to preserve meat for a long period. But no one uses sawdust in hot dogs.

Q4. Why Are Hot Dogs So Unhealthy? 

Ans: Hot dogs are tasty food, but IARC of the world health organization has listed unhealthy hot dogs, hams, and different processed meats. According to reports, these foods contribute to colorectal cancer.

They are also saturated fat and sodium. One hot dog serving contains more than you need for a quarter of the day. It is good to have a bite from time to time. But you should not have processed meat regularly.

Have A Bite

Hot dogs are healthy in protein, vitamins, iron, magnesium, and fat. If you are planning dishes for a party, this is one of the best ones to have on your list. For all meat lovers, hot dogs are one of the yummiest foods.

If you want to make it at home, you can follow the recipe I have given here. However, a self-made hot dog will taste better once you follow this recipe to make it.

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