Best 5 ways: How To Change IP Address On iPhone

how to change ip address on iPhone

If there is one process that has proven stubborn to some people to carry out is knowing how to change ip address on iPhone. Some people find this process so complicated that they seek help to carry it out.  Easy as this process might seem, the procedure is one thing that some people find so complicated.  

If you wish to know how to change ip address on Phone then you have nothing to worry about.  This is one process that you can easily carry out if you have what it takes out of this procedure. However, given that some people find this procedure so complicated, it means that help in carrying out the procedure can come in handy to many people.  

This is exactly what this text is all about. For the people who have been finding it hard to change an ip address on iPhone this text is for you.  The text offers you ways on how to change an ip address on iPhone when you need to.  There are many ways that you can use to carry out this process but this text offers you the best and most convenient way to carry out this process.  

Why You Need To Consider Changing Your Phone IP Address 

Why You Need To Consider Changing Your Phone IP Address

Before looking at how to change IP address on iPhone it is first of all important to look at why this process is essential.  There are many reasons which make it essential and necessary to change your phone IP address.  One of these reasons is security reasons.  If you wish to improve your overall security and also enhance your browser security then changing your public IP address can help you do that well.  

If you have improved your home router then this can help you deal with the issue of wrong IP addresses.  As you might know already, having a new router means that you might at some point get the wrong IP addresses.  To deal with this problem, you only need to learn how to change IP address on iPhone and you will be good to go. 

Is It Allowed Or Legal To Change Your IP Addresses

Before even commencing the process of how to learn to change IP addresses on an iPhone, it is important to first of all start by finding out whether this process is legal. To start with, it is important to acknowledge that people change IP addresses more often these days.  Some do so when they are faced with attacks on their online security.  

These frequent attacks have led people to ask if it is even legal to carry out this process.  Well on this one, you need to be a bit specific with the questions you ask.  If possible, try and consult your local attorney before carrying out this process.  The attorney will assist you with all the legal information you need before carrying out this procedure. 

Change Your IP Address With A VPN Or In Some Cases A Proxy Server 

Change Your IP Address With A VPN Or In Some Cases A Proxy Server

When using a VPN, you will automatically be made to appear like you have a different IP address.  This IP address originates from whatever country you select. To deal with this issue, open your virtual private network and then connect that to your current city which is not necessarily your original city.  

By using this approach, you will be able to change your IP address and more so within the shortest period of time.  You can make these changes to make your IP address appear from anywhere you wish.  If you desperately need a way on how to change IP address on iPhone , this is one of the best ways you can use to carry out this process.  

Change Your IP Address By Simply Unplugging Your Router 

Change Your IP Address By Simply Unplugging Your Router

This is yet another one of the methods you can use to change your IP address if you need to.  In fact, for the people looking for a way on how to change IP address on iPhone this is the easiest way you can use it.  To get started with this process, start by checking what your IP address is on the IP checking site.  

Once you have done this and you have an idea of what your IP address is, move on to your router and unplug it for five minutes minimum. By simply doing this you will be able to renew your IP address.  However, you need to know that this process might in some cases take a longer period of time depending on a number of factors.  

Once you are done with this process, you need to go back and check your IP address and make sure that it has changed.  If it has not, you can go back and try to carry out this process once again to see if it works for you again this time around.  

Try And Update Your IP Addresses On Mac Android And Windows 

Try And Update Your IP Addresses On Mac Android And Windows

This is yet another one of the processes that you can use to change your IP address on your iPhone.  Even though this process might not work out well for you or comes with the least chances of success you can still succeed with it.  There are various application processes that you can use to carry out this process depending on the kind of gadget you are using.  All you need to do is make sure that your IP address is updated and that will be it for you.  


If you are looking for a way on how to change IP address on iPhone the text above offers you ways on how you can do that.  There are more procedures that you can use in carrying out this process.  The text above looks at some of the processes you can use in carrying out this process. 

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