How To Delete A Server On Discord: Easy Step By Step Guide

How to delete a server on discord

There are some things that require some skills and expertise to be carried out in the right way.  If you do not have such skills then carrying out such procedures might not be an easy thing. One of the things that people find out to carry out is being able to delete a server on discord.  If you do not know how to delete a server on discord then this text is going to help you with that.  

The text takes a look at how best you can use to carry out this process if you have been looking for a way on how to delete a server on discord.  The text provides such a proper means that you can use in carrying out this process and doing so in the right way as you might need.  

What Is A Server On Discord? 

What Is A Server On Discord

Before taking a look at how to delete a discord server on mobile it is important to first of all start by looking at a server.  What is a server you might want to know? This is the best place to start with this conversation. Knowing what a server on discord is will enable you to understand the topic of server on discord even better.  

A server is basically a space of discord. These spaces are made of specific communities as well as friends’ groups.  A good number of servers are small and are also invite-only.  The good thing with servers is that any user can start a server for free and later on invite their friends to it.  

Why Do People Seek So Much To Delete Servers On Discord? 

Why Do People Seek So Much To Delete Servers On Discord

People do not just wake up and start deleting servers on discord, that is not the case.  There are always reasons that inform such a decision. These reasons vary from one person to the other but for the purposes of this discussion, it is essential to look at why some people choose to delete a server on discord.  

It Could Be That Someone Is Tired Of Managing A Discord Server 

It Could Be That Someone Is Tired Of Managing A Discord Server

As said above already, the reasons as to why people choose to delete a server are out of many factors, this is one of them.  A good number of people who ask how to delete a server on discord are only seeking to delete this server because they are tired of managing it.  

After using a discord server for so long, one might find it hard to continue managing your server.  In such an event, one might find the need to delete a server.  This is exactly why some people choose to delete some of these servers when they need to.  

Tired Of Managing Many Servers

Tired Of Managing Many Servers

If you have multiple servers that you need to manage then this might be such a big task for you.  Challenging as it can get, some people feel the need to get rid of some of the servers they use on discord.  In such a case, some people might try to find out how to delete all messages on a discord server.  

Whether people succeed in this quest or not is one thing and is independent of this reason. The fact of the matter is that some people just get tired of managing too many servers and decide to do away with them.  

Your Server Might Become Inactive Especially After Your Friends Leave 

Your Server Might Become Inactive Especially After Your Friends Leave

It is not in doubt that one of the things that make servers so interesting is the issue of friends. If you have friends then your server will be interesting.  However, if you do not have friends then that will definitely not be the case.  When your friends leave your server then it becomes dormant, not interesting anymore.  This is exactly why some people look for a way on how to delete a server on discord, it just ceases to be interesting.  

How To Delete A Server On Discord 

Step 1: 

Go to your discord application on your server or even computer and click on the server icon then open it once you do that.  

Step 2 :

Once you have done this go to the down arrow and click it.  This arrow is given on the upper left side of the server settings.  

Step 3 :

After doing this, a new window will open up automatically.  From this window, you will be able to find an option that says delete server.  When you see this option all you need to do is click on the delete option for you to continue.  

Step 4 :

Once you have clicked on the delete server option you will be able to see a new window coming up.  This window will ask you to input your server’s name.  Well, this step does not carry greater significance with it as it is only for security reasons and nothing more.  Given that you are not deleting your server accidentally means that this process is not that essential in this procedure.  

Once you have typed on the server’s name now move on to click on the delete server button and that will be it with this process.  After completing this process, you should be able to get rid of the server completely. However, you need to be informed that once the server is deleted, it will be deleted for good and there is no way you will ever get it back.  As such, you need to consider your future needs even as you do this.  


No matter what your reasons are, sometimes knowing how to delete a server on discord becomes essential.  The text above takes a look at how best one can delete a server on discord and some of the reasons that inform such a decision.  

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